Whole30 Week 1 Recap With Meal Plan
Whole30 week 1 is done and I’m pretty proud of ourselves. It was hard but it’s worth it so far. If you missed it, you can read why we decided to do the Whole30 Challenge here.
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Whole30 Week 1 Recap
Prep – I laid our a very detailed plan for this week. I have spread sheets and shopping lists. We went to Costco and our local Sprouts, the fridge is stocked. I made homemade mayo and ranch. I reread the book.
Day 1 – I woke up ready. Ready for the challenge. Ready for the change. I am ready to make this happen. Breakfast was great, a veggie frittata, even the girls liked it. Lunch was Big Nugget’s request, her favorite tuna salad that just happens to be Whole30 compliant. I was so hungry and scarfed it down so fast that it made me feel sick.
Day 2 – One thing that I noticed right away was that I did a lot of mindless eating. Filling up the kids snack bowls with veggie chips or Pirate Booty, I’d take a few for myself. I really had to stop myself, and deal with my mouth watering every time. Also, I already hate vegetables. I did my first HIIT workout and felt a little weak but nothing too bad.
Day 3 – I was super tired and had the worst headache of my life. I felt like I had the flu combined with a major wine hangover. Only it was just my body withdrawing from the sugar dependancy. Scary. Can we talk about the farts? Cause they are brutal at this point. Big Nugget told me that I was gross and I should just eat some bread.
Day 4 – I woke up with no headache. Horray. I felt really good during my workout and throughout the day, didn’t feel as ravenous as I had earlier in the week. How is it possible that I’ve already eaten half a Costco size tub of almond butter?????? Also, we’ve had to call audibles a few times on my meal plan for the week. Since the fridge was stocked, I have options for plan b.
Day 5 – Feeling pretty accomplished but the big challenge is today. Pizza Night. The girls still wanted their usual pizza. It was SO HARD to not take a bite or eat a leftover crust. It was so nice to have someone else commiserate with me and I’m so thankful that my husband decided to do this challenge with me. Misery loves company.
Day 6 – Breaking old habits again today. Usually Saturday mornings are spent at the ice rink for my daughter’s hockey. I hit up the concession stand for a latte and pretzel. Not today. Americano and Larabar get me through practice. We also skipped our usual Panera order and made a salad at home.
Day 7 – So many dishes. So much cooking. But one week down and it was totally worth it.
Whole30 Week 1 Meal Plan
This was my edited plan. Most of the recipes I pulled from the Whole30 book. Some I improvised. The fried rice is from the Skinny Taste cookbook – another great reference for some great Whole30 meals. I would make more than the two servings for most things so that we had ample leftovers for the next day. It made it a lot easier to have veggies and things prepped when I went to reach into the fridge for food and something was ready for me.
Yay! You made it though the first week! I love how your daughter told you to eat some bread! Lol Your meals looks really good!