Whole30 shopping list for your must have kitchen essentials to make your challenge easy and tasty. These kitchen gadgets will make creating your homemade dressings, mayo, ranch, sauces and soups seamless. This is a lifestyle change not a diet so make the investment in the best kitchen tools to set yourself up for success. #whole30 #kitchen #musthave #shoppinglist #cleaneating #appliances

9 Whole30 Gadgets Essential for Success

Another week done of the Whole30 challenge. I have mixed emotions about it. A lot of the changes that we’ve made have gotten easier. Pulling together a full breakfast, adjusting my coffee to a non-sweetened creamer (don’t get me wrong, I still miss my Ripple Vanilla creamer), not having mac and cheese as an easy side dish. There were parts of this week though that were infinitely harder than the first 7 days. Pizza night this week was torture. I miss having a bowl of popcorn while the girls are napping and I get some work done. I MISS WINE.

One thing that helped me get through it was to take it minute by minute and treat myself like I treat my toddler on the verge of a meltdown. I have mastered the art of distraction. I walked away from what I wanted or was craving and did something else. I made myself a bowl of cucumbers for nap time so I still had the crunch I was craving. I treated myself to a glass of sugar free kombucha in a stemless wine glass.

Another thing that helped me, is thinking of the end game. It’s only 30 days. I’m halfway through. I already did the hard part…starting. What’s another two weeks? Plus, in those first 14 days I’ve uncovered something completely unexpected. Something I haven’t since since, well, I can’t even remember….my abs. So something about this lifestyle is agreeing with my body, it’s motivation enough to keep going.

If I can do it, you can too.

Instead of giving you a daily play by play of what I was feeling, it think it would be more helpful to put together a list of essential Whole30 gadgets. Things that have made this month free of wine and popcorn a little easier.

This post contains some affiliate links – meaning if you click through the links and buy anything, the retailer will pay me a small commission at no additional cost to you! I never link to anything that I haven’t actually used. 

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Whole30 Gadgets

Immersion blender – I’ve used this daily. I’ve been making my own mayo – SO easy and SO tasty – and this gadget is essential. It’s also been great for other sauces, dips, ranch and butternut squash soup.

Mason Jars – These have been essential for my husband when he packs his lunch. It’s so easy to layer salads. I’ve also been making mayo in them. So easy to store anything and everything.

Water Bottle – I’ve been drinking a LOT of water. In an effort to reduce my LaCroix intake, I’ve kept a water bottle full and handy so I don’t reach for a can of delicious bubbly. This one has been great, I also love their kids size one. Read my full review of our kids water bottles here if you need ideas.

Spiralizer – When you are only eating fruit, veggies and protein, it helps to get a little creative. This spiralizer has been a favorite even before we started Whole30 but it’s been put into overdrive. I will spiralize anything -potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, and even butternut squash. Even if I can’t have real noodles, I can at least trick my brain into thinking I’m eating it.

Glass Storage Containers – I’ve been trying to prep veggies and make a lot of leftovers, they are surprisingly perfect for breakfast. But that entails a lot of food storage and these glass storage containers are perfect. Why glass? I highly suggest you read my friend Leah’s book, Green Enough, and educate yourself on plastic and decide what you are comfortable with.

Salad dressing container – Ok, I know I just said no plastic but this is my exception. It the perfect container to pour oil slowly into the mason jar when you are mixing up mayo. Here’s the deal though, I don’t store food in it and I hand wash it.

Label maker – I’ve been using this label maker to mark up what is in each container and the date it was made. Although it’s not sticking well in the cold. Thankfully Mabel’s Labels has Date Mates, great reusable food storage labels that are going to come in VERY handy. I can’t see myself ever going back to store bought mayo  – seriously, it’s that good – so even after this Whole30 is done, these will be put to good use.

Cookbooks – My go to books for meal planning: The Whole30 Guide, Whole30 Cookbook and SkinnyTaste Fast and Slow. I am also LOVING The Whole Smith’s Good Food cookbook.

Silpat mats – These are my secret for great chocolate chip cookies (one of my random cravings during this round, I even dream about them) but they are also great for roasting veggies on. And trust me, you are going to roast a LOT of veggies.

Whole30 Gadget List (1)

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    1. It’s been easier and harder in unexpected ways! So glad it’s almost over though. Mama misses wine.

    1. YAY! Good luck! Happy to help answer any questions you have along the way. There are some great Facebook groups too. You got this!

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