Checking In – Serious Fangirl Moment

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I’ve decided that I’d check in once a week to see how I’ve done so far on my goals for the year. It will keep me accountable but will also give me a chance to update on anything I’ve learned. I’m also sharing our meal plan for the week.

Have you heard about the one word for 2018 trend? I decided that my word for 2018 is ‘grow’. It encompasses what I want to get out of my Detox and Deepen and my friend from Sweet Lilac Prints did this amazing hand lettered graphic for me. Check out her page, she’s so super talented.

One Word Grow


I didn’t get a run in this week but I did make it to my gym 3 times. Win.


I had a really great call this week with Dawn from Live in Your Light. I’ve worked with Dawn before after the loss of our baby. She really helped me heal and I wanted to get her perspective on my new venture. It was a call that left me energized and motivated and ready to welcome and build new opportunities.


I’m 6 for 6 in writing in my one line a day journal. It’s surprisingly easy and I’m really enjoying it. The hardest part was to remember to keep a pen at my bedside table. I’ve also been meditating every day. I’ve been using the Simple Habit app and they have some wonderful 5 minute guided meditations, most are free.


I haven’t fully kicked my cell phone out of my bedroom yet but I have cut down on my phone time quite a bit. So much actually that I finished an entire book this week. Sister’s First is written by the Jenna and Barbara Bush about their family, upbringing and bond as sisters. It’s a great read. I tweeted about it when I finished and Jenna responded back to me this morning. Total fangirl moment.

Tweet from Jenna Bush Hager


I may or may not have eaten a handful of chocolates this week. BUT, we stuck to our meal plan and had some really healthy dinners and lunches. Here is our meal plan for this upcoming week:

Monday:Ā Baked Spaghetti Squash and Cheese

Tuesday: One Pot Sausage Pasta

Wednesday: Chickpea and Sweet Potato Stew

Thursday: Turkey Burgers/Mac&Cheese/Use up veggies

Friday: Pizza


I haven’t started on that coat/shoe closet yet, I’ve been thinking about it though so that counts right? I feel like I’ve actually been adding to the clutter in the house because I’m getting things ready for Little Nugget’s first birthday party. Where did this year go? I’ll be sharing some sneak peaks of the Where the Wild Things Are theme and the decor I’m making/buying so be sure to follow me on Instagram – @nuggetlands. Here is my first idea board for the party…

WTWTA inspo

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  1. Wow, I am so impressed! You are doing awesome. The chickpea & sweet potato soup looks amazing. And thank you for sharing my little handlettering print, I am so honored!

    1. I love it! And I’ll let you know how the soup turns out! We are actually going to get some rain so it’s the perfect rainy day dinner.

  2. What a great idea to help keep you on track! Iā€™d say you did really well this time. You can definitely do this!

  3. I think it looks like you had an amazing week! it’s all about moderation, so a little bit of candy is okay. Was it weather keeping you from running? We had just a cold snap, that only the brave went outside.

    1. Unfortunately, living in San Diego I rarely have weather as an excuse not to run. šŸ˜‰ My youngest was sick and teething so I didn’t want to torture her with stroller rides.

    1. Thanks! I think if nothing else it just keeps me focused on the bigger picture and what I want to accomplish. It’s so easy to get caught up in busy schedules and lose sight of what you ultimately want to get done.

  4. I am so jealous! I looove Jenna Bush Hager. She is so hilarious and down to earth. I keep seeing this one word thing around but I’m too ADHD to come up with just one word. Maybe if it was a 5 or 7 word trend I could do it lol.

    1. I love her too. I really enjoy her on The Today show and this book came across just a genuine. Her sister as well, really honest about their life and personalities. And it took me a bit too to decide on just one word…but it feels right.

  5. This is such a great post, I guess I need to do this to myself. Being focus is important and this year I am hoping to improve more on everything that I do.

  6. Oooh, I love spaghetti squash- I’m pinning that recipe! I’m hooked on meal planning- It really helps keep us in check and make healthier choices.

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