Daily Affirmations From One of My Favorite People

I’m a huge believer in a daily affirmations. I believe that manifestation is real and that you can use daily affirmations to help make what you want in your life materialize. I know that sounds cheesy but not only have I seen it work in my life, but in others as well. Plus, there is plenty of science to back up the power of positive thinking (affiliate link).

Daily Affirmations Role Model

I can remember when my husband and I first started dating, he invited me to go to dinner at his grandparents. I was so nervous and yet so excited. It made everything in our new relationship feel so official. I hadn’t even met his parents yet but his grandparents lived just down the street from him. So when word got out that Matt was dating someone new, it was easy to meet them first. I can remember so many details from that day – which is surprising considering my horrible memory for…well…anything.

His grandparents were warm and welcoming, interesting and sincere. Over the years, I grew fond of them in their own ways. Grandpa, who was notoriously protective of his personal space, would always give me a hug hello and goodbye and called me Sweet Sweet Alice.

His Grandma was named Rosemary but all the grandkids called her Rary. She was jovial and inquisitive. She had great stories and even better questions. After we got engaged, she wanted to know every detail of our wedding plans and was so excited to find out she was having ANOTHER great grand-daughter.


She had a special bond with Big Nugget. They both lit up when they saw each other, like they had known each other for lifetimes. It’s truly something I’ll never forget. Big Nugget is an old soul, even as a baby, which really connected with Rary.

Rary was an avid reader and so curious about other cultures and religions, even though I wouldn’t necessarily say she was religious. She surrounded herself with things that interested her and would always write or clip out pictures or quotes of people that resonated with her.

I loved looking through her desk area in their kitchen each time we came over for dinner. They were taped up on the desk nook walls, hung with magnets on the fridge and used as bookmarks. Little quotes or pictures of people she admired and respected. There was always one that would catch my eye and resonate with me. Or a new picture of someone unexpected that would spark a conversation with her about what she found interesting about them.

Even in her 80’s and with all of her health issues, she was always interested in learning and growing.

Rary’s Words

After Rary passed, my mother-in-law gave me a stash of her handwritten daily affirmations. They are something I’ve treasured but kept tucked away. I would pull one out every now and then when I felt like I was needing some inspiration or a push. However, they’ve been on my mind more and more lately. Probably knowing that I’m going through a transition in my life and career and need the guidance that is tucked away in that ziplock bag.

I pulled them out to really go through them all and they are a treasure trove of goodies. Over 500 of them!

Daily affirmations passed down from my husband's Grandmother. She was a big believe in the law of attraction and made them a part of her mornings. A treasure of inspiration for women looking for success or positive manifestation into their life. People use motivational quotes for self esteem, anxiety, for kids, for weight loss, for money or to grow closer to God. And they are for everyone, even for men. #motivational #inspiration #formoms #dailyaffirmations

They are just too good for me not to share. So I’ve decided to post them daily on my Facebook page and in my Instagram stories. (Make sure your are following me on both – @Nuggetlands) I haven’t edited any of them, I’m basically putting my hand in the bag and pulling one out each day and if I can read her handwriting, then it’s going to get shared.

I had this idea to share them and made a handful of the graphics a few months ago. For a few different reasons, it’s been sitting in my drafts folder. When I went to the files to pull the first daily affirmation for this project, I knew it was the right time.

Daily affirmations passed down from my husband's Grandmother. She was a big believe in the law of attraction and made them a part of her mornings. A treasure of inspiration for women looking for success or positive manifestation into their life. People use motivational quotes for self esteem, anxiety, for kids, for weight loss, for money or to grow closer to God. And they are for everyone, even for men. #motivational #inspiration #formoms #dailyaffirmations

Hopefully these daily affirmations will find you when you need it most, just like they continue to find me.

Daily affirmations passed down from my husband's Grandmother. She was a big believe in the law of attraction and made them a part of her mornings. A treasure of inspiration for women looking for success or positive manifestation into their life. People use motivational quotes for self esteem, anxiety, for kids, for weight loss, for money or to grow closer to God. And they are for everyone, even for men. #motivational #inspiration #formoms #dailyaffirmations

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  1. Beautiful! Its even the color bowl she likes. Super wonderful to see. I love my mommy. !!!
    She’s smiling your sharing her affirmations.

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